Po velkém přehledu jsem vám připravil cvičení. Ve větách chybí výrazy ANOTHER, OTHER, OTHERS, THE OTHER, nebo THE OTHERS. Po každé desáté větě následuje klíč. Závěrečná část cvičení obsahuje obraty pro pokročilé, které nemají jen jedno správné řešení. Have fun ;-)

  1. It’s on _______ side of the street.
  2. Come and meet _______.
  3. Some people remember their dreams, _______ don’t.
  4. Do _______ students know about this?
  5. No _______ region of the country has this privilege.
  6. My _______ sister, Mary, lives in Hong Kong.
  7. I met John _______ day.
  8. I think we should re-join _______.
  9. Without _______ word, she stood up and left.
  10. Is there any _______ way?

1. the other 2. the others 3. others 4. other 5. other 6. other 7. the other 8. the others 9. another 10. other

  1. I need to talk to _______ members of the family.
  2. Please don’t tell _______!
  3. We have decided not to keep the cottage for _______ year.
  4. Would you like _______ cup of tea?
  5. We can learn from the experience of _______.
  6. There is no _______ solution.
  7. We’d better find _______ route because the M56 is closed this weekend.
  8. Let’s wait _______ ten minutes.
  9. Do you know of any _______ cases like this?
  10. When it comes to medical issues, it’s natural to seek a second opinion from _______ doctor.

11. the other / other 12. the others 13. another 14. another 15. others 16. other 17. another 18. another 19. other 20. another

  1. There must be some _______ way.
  2. Can you give me _______ few minutes please?
  3. “I want to play with _______ children in the park,” said Helen.
  4. There isn’t any _______ solution.
  5. No _______ form of management can save the company from bankruptcy.
  6. His _______ son, Garry, works as a cook in a local restaurant.
  7. I’ll give you _______ example.
  8. I was sitting in the bar _______ day and the barman came up and said …
  9. There must be _______ roads to the centre.
  10. Scientists say that global warming is caused by the build-up of carbon dioxide and _______ gases.

21. other 22. another 23. other 24. other 25. other 26. other 27. another 28. the other 29. other 30. other

  1. Everyone inherits half of their genetic material from their mother and _______ half from their father.
  2. Perhaps we can have dinner some _______ time.
  3. Alsatians, Dobermanns, Rottweilers and _______ big breeds.
  4. One was a black Ethiopian, _______ a pale brown Arab.
  5. I didn’t know about _______ hotel.
  6. Go and play with _______ children!
  7. You’ve been a positive influence on _______.
  8. Don’t talk about _______ behind their back!
  9. There aren’t any _______ options.
  10. There are many _______ places I’d like to visit, Sydney is one of them.

31. the other 32. other 33. other 34. the other 35. the other / another 36. the other 37. others 38. others 39. other 40. other

  1. There must be _______ solution!
  2. John and Shirley were waiting for _______ in front of the house.
  3. Dan Brown has _______ book coming out next month.
  4. People are different and what is good for you might not be good for _______.
  5. There were no _______ residences around.
  6. It happened too in the United States and in many _______ places.
  7. We need _______ two chairs.
  8. Her _______ novels include Sense and Sensibility, Pride and Prejudice and Mansfield Park.
  9. Mary was playing with some _______ children in the garden.
  10. It will take _______ few working days.

41. another 42. the others 43. another 44. others 45. other 46. other 47. another 48. other 49. other 50. another

  1. Fiona wasn’t able to give some reasons or _______ for her views.
  2. They have obtained this information from some source or _______.
  3. One or _______ of us will have to go there.
  4. The town needs a major investment of one type or _______.
  5. I tried to log on but my password didn’t work for some reason or _______.
  6. His travel articles are always, for one reason or _______, fascinating.
  7. One way or _______, we cannot afford a lawyer.
  8. I’ve always worn headgear of some sort or _______.
  9. Some students or _______ were handing out leaflets in front of the school.
  10. Something has to be done one way or _______.

51. other 52. another / other / the other 53. another / other / the other 54. another / the other / other 55. other / another / the other 56. another / the other /other 57. another / the other 58. the other / other / another 59. other / others 60. another / the other