S předložkami je potíž, nemám pravdu?
I když existuje několik obecných pravidel, otázka, kterou předložku použít, je často věcí ustálených slovních spojení, kde nejde hledat nějakou logiku.
U některých slov je prostě třeba vědět, s jakou předložkou se zrovna tenhle výraz pojí.

Připravil jsem vám menší cvičení, týkající se předložek po přídavných jménech. Odpovědi jsou na konci každé sekce, takže se můžete rovnou pohodlně učit ;-)

  1. I was afraid ___ something like this.
  2. He claims to have constructed the first house which is friendly ___ the environment.
  3. I think we should be critical ___ any of these proposed changes.
  4. I am sorry ___ the late arrival of our response.
  5. They’re just jealous ___ our success.
  6. There’s no point in being annoyed ___ it.
  7. ‘I’ve always been suspicious ___ Eve,’ I said.
  8. ‘I’m sorry ___ the misunderstanding.’
  9. Everyone has been nice ___ me.
  10. It is a robust tree, tolerant ___ atmospheric pollution, making it ideal for urban areas.

1. of 2. to. 3. of 4. about 5. of 6. about 7. of 8. about 9. to 10. of

  1. I would throw my boyfriend out, but I’d be scared ___ living alone.
  2. I liked working with Mr Duncan, and he was pleased ___ my work.
  3. The tavern was crowded ___ heavy drinkers.
  4. This is an extraordinary compliment, coming from Bill, who is systematically sceptical and rude ___ almost everyone.
  5. John was incapable ___ lying.
  6. I was a bit surprised ___ what Kumar said.
  7. I’m tired ___ hearing complaints from them.
  8. She seemed rather angry ___something.
  9. I’m sick ___ everything,’ she added bitterly, taking a huge breath.
  10. She was shocked ___ the accuracy of his memory.

11. of 12. with 13. with 14. to 15. of 16. at/by 17. of 18. about 19. of 20. at/by

  1. ‘You certainly are different ___ most of the young women I meet, Miss Levington,’ he observed thoughtfully.
  2. I was astonished ___ how much Jeff had learned in seven years.
  3. I’d hate to be responsible ___ organising an event billed as ‘our last chance to save the Earth’.
  4. It wasn’t polite ___ them not to answer the door, knowing that he was standing there.
  5. Jim is bad ___ physics, but he passed the exam.
  6. According to his solicitor at the time Nicholas was ‘bitterly disappointed ___ the verdict because he is not a violent man.’
  7. I don’t want you to be ashamed ___ me.
  8. They said they were not aware ___ anything suspicious.
  9. I am astonished ___ their incompetence.
  10. Working as a freelancer, is different ___ working for a firm.

21. from 22. at/by 23. for 24. of 25. at 26. with 27. of 28. of 29. at/by 30. from

  1. All agreed that it was a trick and that it was very silly ___ the people who made it.
  2. The costs of living there are similar ___ Australia but homes are even cheaper.
  3. Sheila was a little nervous ___ having her hair coloured.
  4. You are not interested ___ cars, are you Martin?
  5. ‘Servanthood’ has been defined as being excited ___ making someone else successful.
  6. Their teacher was brilliant ___ his job.
  7. That was nice ___ him to bring the flowers.
  8. If you are not happy ___ any of the answers do not despair.
  9. I’m very fond ___ Mel, although he’s given me some hard times.
  10. Well, tell him it’s kind ___ him to agree to let me stay here.

31. of 32. to 33. about 34. in 35. about 36. at 37. of 38. with 39. of 40. of

  1. Having owned three Citroens and a Renault, I am greatly impressed ___ the quality of French cars.
  2. They were primarily dependent ___ their cattle for subsistence.
  3. It was good ___ you to come, Richie.
  4. Alvin was famous ___ his jokes and it was said he could make a cat laugh just by looking at it.
  5. ‘How could he possibly feel happy ___ the role he had been given?’
  6. Bella was not short ___ money.
  7. Perhaps it was stupid ___ me, but I had expected so much that the reality was a bitter shock.
  8. Lucy was always keen ___ dressing up and going out to meet her friends.
  9. “And I got annoyed ___ Tom ___ being generally a bit useless.”
  10. Yes, Debbie was very good ___ looking after us.

41. with/by 42. on 43. of 44. for 45. with 46. of 47. of 48. on 49. with, for 50. at

  1. Sir Heinz has been extraordinarily generous ___ the gallery over the years.
  2. I was sorry ___ her, but what could I do?
  3. The air was full ___ the smell of ozone.
  4. Every day I try to be polite ___ people.
  5. He was truly amazed ___ her physical strength.
  6. Paul was too certain ___ himself.
  7. I was angry ___them ___giving me that explanation. I couldn’t believe my ears.
  8. When playing golf in India you may be surprised ___ a peacock trailing its colours elegantly across the green.
  9. After some while I got tired ___ waiting.
  10. I’m not sure ___ the shape of the product, but at least it shows some originality.

51. to 52. for 53. of 54. to 55. at/by 56. of 57. with, for 58. by 59. of 60. about/of

  1. This lady was typical ___ the many I used to meet at these events.
  2. ‘It’s a lovely idea, Harry, and very generous ___ you,’ Alice said warmly.
  3. She is going to be furious ___ me.
  4. Sheila was conscious ___ everyone in the room listening.
  5. ‘Leonora would be very shocked ___ the state of this garden,’ said Maud.
  6. The plain answer is that we cannot be certain ___ it.
  7. ‘I was just so fed up ___ all the internal politics.’
  8. I don’t think a boy of about ten years of age would be capable ___ writing this.
  9. This was her father’s invention and he was very proud ___ it.
  10. Mr Brentano was not satisfied ___ this answer.

61. of 62. of 63. with 64. of 65. at/by 66. of 67. with 68. of 69. of 70. with

  1. He is married ___ an American woman.
  2. Rhonda is a bit upset ___ the way things are going.
  3. You can always be sure ___ a warm welcome when you visit your local Beefeater.
  4. I can’t stand to see people being cruel ___ animals, it absolutely appals me.
  5. “What’s he worried ___, your husband?”
  6. I felt envious ___ his brilliant idea.
  7. Looking back, I am amazed ___ our discipline.
  8. Little Jane was at first frightened ___ the bath but she likes it now. And she loves swimming.
  9. Lipski was both shocked and impressed ___ the offer.
  10. Paul told me: ‘I am absolutely delighted ___ the result of the appeal.’

71. to 72. about 73. of 74. to 75. about 76. of 77. at 78. of 79. at/by 80. with

  1. She was terrified ___ thunder.
  2. He smiled at Maura, feeling a little bit sorry ___ her.
  3. ‘I hope I am better ___ spelling now than I was then.’
  4. James was absolutely furious ___ me leaving while I was furious ___ the things that led up to me leaving.
  5. ‘I’m pretty hopeless ___ relationships, aren’t I?’
  6. Sheltons were very good ___ Elizabeth and when she was still a little girl.
  7. Mary was engaged ___ Joseph, who came from Bethlehem near Jerusalem in Judaea.
  8. For a moment I almost felt sorry ___ him.
  9. I enjoyed teaching Bauer, because he was an intelligent pupil, because there was a gentle air about him, and because he was very kind ___ my parents.
  10. For the next hour the fairground gradually filled with people, mainly families with young children or teenagers who had become bored ___ their tour round the factory and were looking for some excitement.

81. of 82. for 83. at 84. about, about 85. at 86. to 87. to 88. for 89. to 90. with